الموضوع: A New Phase of Learning
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قديم 3 - 8 - 2021, 12:27 AM
همسه الشوق غير متواجد حالياً
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 التقييم » همسه الشوق has a reputation beyond reputeهمسه الشوق has a reputation beyond reputeهمسه الشوق has a reputation beyond reputeهمسه الشوق has a reputation beyond reputeهمسه الشوق has a reputation beyond reputeهمسه الشوق has a reputation beyond reputeهمسه الشوق has a reputation beyond reputeهمسه الشوق has a reputation beyond reputeهمسه الشوق has a reputation beyond reputeهمسه الشوق has a reputation beyond reputeهمسه الشوق has a reputation beyond repute
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الأوسمة وسام  
/ قيمة النقطة: 127
/ قيمة النقطة: 100
/ قيمة النقطة: 100
A New Phase of Learning

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ملاحظة هامة لقراء الموضوع ♥ غير مسجل ♥
قبل قراءتك للموضوع نود إبلاغك بأنه قد يحتوي الموضوع على عبارات او صور لا تناسب البعض
فإن كنت من الأعضاء التي لا تعجبهم هذه المواضيع .. وتستاء من قرائتها .. فنقدم لك
باسم إدارة الشبكة وكاتب الموضوع .. الأسف الشديد .. ونتمنى منك عدم قراءة الموضوع
وفي حال قرائتك للموضوع .. نتمنى منك ان رغبت بكتابة رد
أن تبتعد بردودك عن السخرية والشتائم .. فهذا قد يعرضك للطرد أو لحذف مشاركتك
إدارة شبكة ( همس الشوق )


There can be infinite uses of the computer and of new technology,
but if the instructors themselves are not able to bring
it to the learners and make it work, then it fails.” U.S
Senator, Nancy
Education during a pandemic

I started my article with the above quote because it helps you to
reflect on the real challenge before I present some questions for you
to think of regarding education during the pandemic.
Will face to face Learning re-exist? Will students go back to their
physical classroom? Will they be eager, motivated, and enthusiastic
to learn? Will tests, work on projects, compete and make friends
meaningful to them? Will they feel safe, secure, and belong to
school building and community? Those questions might seem
rhetorical, but they are real. We should think of the dangers, threats,
and consequences of online Learning on children if it lasted for quite
some time. We should seriously think of the alternatives.

Mid school, high school and university students might cope with the
current education system easily, but what about KG and elementary
students? Are they ready to try and succeed?
Are we teaching them to be dependent or independent? The role of
parents became an essential and crucial part. I will give you an
example from Kenya, they were trying to adopt digital learning, but
parents weren’t really able to help kids tap into virtual Learning or
homeschooling. A lack of access to computers also made it
infeasible to them. Such challenges should be taken into
consideration when the government take this step. But will students
stop learning?

The list of questions that arouse our curiosity and thinking never
stops. They are no more watching or playing virtuality in movies or
games, they are living it, since their life turns out to be virtual. They
are the virtual learners of 2020. Here we need to reshape the skills of
the 21st century learners. New skills need to be added, in which
learners have to adapt to the new e-learning environment.

Have educators, while preparing and designing the content for their
lesson today, thought of extracurricular activities? Have they
thought of collaboration and teamwork? Creativity and critical
thinking in alignment with the platforms that students use, not in one
place of the globe only: but all over the world?

Don’t you agree with me that we need to pause for a while and think
how to make up for learners what they miss? How can we turn this
experience to a real Learning experience?

few tips for thinking about how to help learners to learn

I will suggest few tips, and I am waiting from you, dear educators,
teachers, administrators, and parents to think how to help learners to
learn and enjoy what they are doing. It is a call for education
recovery to start a new Phase of learning.
You can suggest more tips and try them, as research is still brand
new regarding the online issue. Governments are still trying to find
the best way and tool.
Design content that educates, engages, and entertains learners, not to transfer the face-to-face curriculum into online one. It won’t work.
Train and equip educators and teachers with essential knowledge and tools
Leverage new technologies to deliver non-traditional instructions
Guide learners where to go, how to find resources and extra material
Mobile devices are essential tools for learners; therefore, they should be accessible to all learners
To conclude, I will end the article with another quote, “In times
where small instructor-led classrooms tend to be the exception,
electronic Learning solutions can offer more collaboration and
interaction with experts and peers, as well as a higher success rate
than the live alternative.”

الموضوع الأصلي : A New Phase of Learning || الكاتب : همسه الشوق || المصدر : شبكة همس الشوق


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