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قديم 24 - 8 - 2021, 11:05 PM
همسه الشوق غير متواجد حالياً
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 التقييم » همسه الشوق has a reputation beyond reputeهمسه الشوق has a reputation beyond reputeهمسه الشوق has a reputation beyond reputeهمسه الشوق has a reputation beyond reputeهمسه الشوق has a reputation beyond reputeهمسه الشوق has a reputation beyond reputeهمسه الشوق has a reputation beyond reputeهمسه الشوق has a reputation beyond reputeهمسه الشوق has a reputation beyond reputeهمسه الشوق has a reputation beyond reputeهمسه الشوق has a reputation beyond repute
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الأوسمة وسام  
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/ قيمة النقطة: 100
Novels that changed the world

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قبل قراءتك للموضوع نود إبلاغك بأنه قد يحتوي الموضوع على عبارات او صور لا تناسب البعض
فإن كنت من الأعضاء التي لا تعجبهم هذه المواضيع .. وتستاء من قرائتها .. فنقدم لك
باسم إدارة الشبكة وكاتب الموضوع .. الأسف الشديد .. ونتمنى منك عدم قراءة الموضوع
وفي حال قرائتك للموضوع .. نتمنى منك ان رغبت بكتابة رد
أن تبتعد بردودك عن السخرية والشتائم .. فهذا قد يعرضك للطرد أو لحذف مشاركتك
إدارة شبكة ( همس الشوق )


Novels that changed the world
In the relatively short history of the Novel many have changed the lives of individuals, but (in my opinion) few have changed the world, or at least helped shape and change Society’s attitudes and values.

Uncle Tom’s Cabin, Harriet Beecher Stowe

The story of Uncle Tom, an African-American slave, brought the horrors of slavery to the attention of the public on a personal level for the first time, causing an uproar. The novel greatly furthered the abolitionist cause in the north, ratcheted up tensions with southern slaveholders and, as Lincoln suggested, possibly even helped tip the country into civil war.

The Jungle by Upton Sinclair

Although the book was written to highlight the plight of the working poor and the deep-rooted corruption of people in power, it also sparked a public outcry over food hygiene. Sinclair famously complained:“I aimed for the public’s heart and by accident I hit it in the stomach.” Still, it is arguably considered one of the most politically influential American Novels of the last century.

All Quiet on the Western Front by Erich Maria Remarque

One of the best-known anti-war novels, All Quiet on the Western Front depicts the horrors of the First world War trenches from the perspective of a young German soldier. It deals with the futility of conflict and attracted both praise and harsh criticism at the time, mostly from Remarque’s fellow countrymen, who felt it denigrated the German war effort. It was among the books banned and publicly burned by the Nazis.

“1984″ (1949) – George Orwell –

Gave us the concepts of “Big Brother” and “Doublethink.” Revealed the dangers of Nationalism, Censorship, Surveillance, Manipulation through propaganda and alerted people to the dangers of an over-powerful state and totalitarian government.

To Kill a Mockingbird” (1960) – Harper Lee

Deals with issues of race and class discrimination, but in a way which is almost uniquely accessible to younger and

الموضوع الأصلي : Novels that changed the world || الكاتب : همسه الشوق || المصدر : شبكة همس الشوق


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رسالة لكل زوار منتديات شبكة همس الشوق

عزيزي الزائر أتمنى انك استفدت من الموضوع ولكن من اجل  منتديات شبكة همس الشوق  يرجاء ذكر المصدرعند نقلك لموضوع ويمكنك التسجيل معنا والمشاركة معنا والنقاش في كافه المواضيع الجاده اذا رغبت في ذالك فانا لا ادعوك للتسجيل بل ادعوك للإبداع معنا . للتسجيل اضغظ هنا .