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قديم 29 - 11 - 2021, 12:45 AM
حنين الأشواق غير متواجد حالياً
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عرض البوم صور حنين الأشواق عرض مجموعات حنين الأشواق عرض أوسمة حنين الأشواق

عرض الملف الشخصي لـ حنين الأشواق إرسال رسالة زائر لـ حنين الأشواق جميع مواضيع حنين الأشواق

الأوسمة وسام  
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Allah the Noble the Most Generous

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إدارة شبكة ( همس الشوق )


Allah the Noble the Most Generous

All praises are for Allah, the Sovereign, the Pure, the Perfection, the Encompassing, the Competent, the Knower. I bear witness that there’s no god worthy of worship but Allah, the Most Generous, the Magnanimous, the Noble, the Bountiful, the Forgiver, the Forbearing. I bear witness that Muhammad is the servant of Allah and His messenger. He lived his life with austerity and was Generous in worship when he became rich. May a lot of blessings and peace be upon him, his family and companions, to proceed:
I advise you and myself of having the fear of Allah, as the fear of Allah is the way to the paradise. It’s surprising that we give up even good things when a doctor forbids us from them due to the fear of harm and we do not give up the acts of disobedience even due to the fear of the hell! (O you who have believed, protect yourselves and your families from a Fire whose fuel is people and stones, over which are [appointed] angels, harsh and severe; they do not disobey Allah in what He commands them but do what they are commanded.) [Al-Tahreem: 6].

The servants of the Most Merciful, belief in the heart weakens and strengthens. Whenever belief strengthens, a believer embarks more on the acts of obedience and flees from sins! He also repents more. A Muslim must seek what increases his belief. The nourishments of the belief are a lot. Among the greatest nourishments of belief are: the assemblies of the remembrance of Allah, and among such greatest assemblies of remembrance is the talk about the Names and Attributes of Allah. We’ll talk today about one of the Names of Allah, the Glorious, which has not appeared much in the Quran. It’s appeared thrice in the Book of Allah, but we see the effects of this Name a lot in our whole life. We hope that we all are among those who live the effects of this in the paradise whose width is like the width of the heavens and the earth!

We’ll talk today about the Name of Allah “Al-Karim”. Allah, the Glorious said: (And whoever is grateful - his gratitude is only for [the benefit of] himself. And whoever is ungrateful - then indeed, my Lord is Free of need and Generous.) [Al-Naml: 40]. According to a hadith: (Your Lord is munificent and generous, and is ashamed to turn away empty the hands of His servant when he raises them to Him.); This hadith has been transmitted by Abu Dawood and Tirmidhi. Al-Albaani has declared it to be of Sahih grade.

Allah is Glorious and generous. When He promises, fulfils and He forgives being Powerful.

He is Glorious and Noble. He created us from nothing and supplied us with a lot of kinds of good things. Foods are of many kinds, like meat, fruits etc. Every kind has many types. So, among the types of the fruits are: orange and date. And every type has many forms and colours. So, how many types of dates are there? Allah is Glorious and Generous. He facilitates the means of transportation on the ground and in the sea. (And We have certainly honored the children of Adam and carried them on the land and sea and provided for them of the good things and preferred them over much of what We have created, with [definite] preference.) [Al-Israa: 70].

Allah, the Exalted allowed to talk to Him Secretly all time! Rather, He becomes happy with those who ask Him and responds to the call of those in distress, even though they’re polytheists!

Allah, the Wise, the Noble is high. When a caller calls Him, He may give him his demand, may repel from him some evil due to that supplication or may store it for him in the afterlife. They said: O’ messenger of Allah, then we’ll do more and more. He said: “Allah will also give more and more.”

Allah, the Exalted, the Noble increase the good deeds by ten folds to many folds. Even the charity of a single date from lawful earning increases till it becomes like a mountain!

Allah, the Most Hight, the Noble does favour to His servants through livelihoods, then He takes loan from them to give them reward, promises them of better return to motivate them and increases their rewards up to seventy thousand percent or more! Glorious is the All-Sufficient, the Most Merciful and the Noble.

Allah, the Exalted, the Noble becomes happy with the repenters and erase their sins even though they’ve transgressed; rather, replaces their evil deeds with good deeds!
One of the biggest honours that Allah bestowed upon people is that He taught them how to write, taught them what’s beneficial for their world and afterlife and gave them skill and power for that. The Name of Allah “Al-Akram” (The Most Generous) has appeared only in one place in the holy Quran. (Recite, and your Lord is the Most Generous, Who taught by the pen, Taught man that which he knew not.) [Al-‘Alaq: 3-5]. Can you imagine how many massive information are contained in different kinds of arts, sciences and branches of knowledge?!

Al-Akram (superlative degree); i.e., the Most honourable. So, how much religious, linguistic, medical, historical, industrial, commercial, agricultural and administrative information are produced by printers, publication houses, research and information centres and internet sites!

Brothers in belief, the word of “karam” (generosity) is the collection of good and praiseworthy things. It does not intend mere giving, rather giving is the completion of its meaning. Therefore, the words of the scholars are diverse in this regard. They said: “Al-Karim”: the one who possesses a lot of goodness and gives a lot, they said: the one who has great respect and big status, they said: the one who is free from defects and weaknesses, they said: the one who gives not for anything in return, they said: the one who when he promises fulfils, and forgives when owns power, they said: the one who gives without any reason, they said: the one who gives to the one in need and not in need, in addition to other things that have been said concerning this great Name.

May Allah bless me and you with the Quran and the Sunnah and the knowledge and wisdom He circulated in them. Seek the forgiveness of Allah, He’s the All-Forgiving.
♦♦ ♦♦ ♦♦

All praises be for Allah who described His words as ‘Al-Karam’ and said: (Indeed, it is a Noble Qur’ān.) [Al-Waaqi’ah: 77]. I bear witness that there’s no god worthy of worship but Allah (Lord of the Noble Throne.) [Al-Mu’minun: 116]. Allah promised His believing servants of true and real and said: (For them are degrees [of high position] with their Lord and forgiveness and Noble provision.) [Al-Anfaal: 4]. May the blessings and peace of Allah be upon Muhammad, the seal of His messengers, his family and companions, to proceed:
The servants of the Most Merciful, indeed, believing in the Name of Allah “Al-Karim” has many effects on a Muslim; among them is: the love of our Noble and glorious Lord for all the apparent and hidden bounties that He showered upon us.

Among its effects are: shyness from Allah and respectful stance towards Him; as He did not stop His generosity and giving from us despite our abundant sins!

Among the effects of the Name of Allah “Al-Karim”: thanking Allah with heart, tongue and parts of body on the innumerable apparent and hidden bounties in our bodies, foods, drinks, etc., that He bestowed upon us.

Among the effects is: connection with Allah, the Glorious and relying on Him, as He’s the All-Sufficient, the Generous and Almighty. There’s no end to His generosity. He’s the Powerful who can’t be overcome by anything, and He’s not too demanding.

Among the effects of believing in the Name “Al-Karim”: to adopt the manners of generosity and magnanimity. Allah, the Glorious, the Noble loves the Noble ones. The manner of generosity that Allah loves is different from extravagance and lavish spending of wealth!

Among the effects is: praying to Allah frequently and insisting in asking. And if the thing that A Muslim prays for is delayed, he should keep up the good hope from his Lord, because if the Generous stops something, it’s due to mercy and wisdom. Ponder over the words of Allah, the Glorious: (And if Allah had extended [excessively] provision for His servants, they would have committed tyranny throughout the earth. But He sends [it] down in an amount which He wills. Indeed He is, of His servants, Aware and Seeing.) [Al-Shooraa: 27].

To conclude, the servants of the Most Merciful, indeed, the greatest cause of getting the honour of the Noble is the fear of Allah, the Exalted in private and public. So, the Most honourable in the eyes of Allah, the Glorious is the one who’s the Most pious among His servants, as Allah, the Exalted said: (Indeed, the Most Noble of you in the sight of Allah is the Most righteousof you. Indeed, Allah is Knowing and Aware.) [Al-Hujuraat: 13]. Then, send out the blessings and peace.

الموضوع الأصلي : Allah the Noble the Most Generous || الكاتب : حنين الأشواق || المصدر : شبكة همس الشوق


 توقيع : حنين الأشواق

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رسالة لكل زوار منتديات شبكة همس الشوق

عزيزي الزائر أتمنى انك استفدت من الموضوع ولكن من اجل  منتديات شبكة همس الشوق  يرجاء ذكر المصدرعند نقلك لموضوع ويمكنك التسجيل معنا والمشاركة معنا والنقاش في كافه المواضيع الجاده اذا رغبت في ذالك فانا لا ادعوك للتسجيل بل ادعوك للإبداع معنا . للتسجيل اضغظ هنا .