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بحوث باللغة الأنجليزية تنمية الشخصية
بحوث باللغة الأنجليزية.تنمية الشخصية
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
Development of Personality
The children are usually very different from each other so the development of personality source explains the differences between siblings in the family. The most important part of the child’s is the child’s parents. Parents usually take care and teach their child’s a lot of things so they can live in their environments easily. There are many factors that contribute to the formation of a child’s personality such as the birth order, school, friendship, and television.
In all families there have to be a differences from each siblings. For example, the first-born has the easiest life than his later siblings, and they have a lot of freedom and they are independent, so they have more opportunity in life. In addition to the easiest life, the oldest child also has the most difficult life, because the parents expect too much of him or her. They must do many things such as: to work very hard, study very hard, and to get his parents accepter. So because of that they don’t have much time to sit and enjoy discuss with their parents. More about difficulty of the oldest child is that they are responsible, that he or she has to take care of his youngest siblings, and because their parents want them to be a good person and educated, so the siblings will go on their line, and it is very difficult to be a highly educated person. So they have more jobs to do. Because of all the responsibility placed on the oldest child, they have the most difficult life in the family after the father. The middle child has the happiest life in the family because the parent’s attention is all on the oldest child and the youngest child, so he or she is free and independent. They can do many things and when they needs help they always turn to the oldest child or their parents to help them. They can do everything and if they get into a trouble they can easily find the solution from the older people in the family. The youngest child has the easiest life because the parents are around them taking care of them. They give them all the attention and they do everything that they want and also they are always on their side. The youngest child is often spoilt because of all the care and attention he or she receives.
One of the factors that contribute to the formation of a child’s personality is school. School is one of the most important things that influence on a child personality. All parents send their children to school when they are at five or six years old. This positively effects on a child, because learning in at lower age in modern way, with a great teachers that knows how to be with a children. School is the second home for the children. Children always go to the school to learn many things such us some information about the world, the history of each country and history of other country, and learn how to talk with other people educationally. When children go to school, for them this will be like going to a new world. Where they can get new friends from different places in their country and be together.
Friends are an important source of influence on the children personality too. Development psychologists have learned that children affected by other children from the time they are infants. Other studies show that pairs of children aged 6 months, 9 months, and 1 year smiled, touched, and babbled to each other. When babies had no toys, they spent more of their time interacting. As children grow up, their behavior becomes more worked out with much care involving new social skills. Parents have to know their children’s friends, whom their children are talking to, and going out with because there are some bad friends that can influence on their children and learned them bad things as they do. So parents should take care of their children by learning them to choose good friends and a friend that they can trust on.
In many cases we can see advantages and disadvantages things. Television is one of these things, so we can either find advantages or disadvantages. The disadvantages are more than the advantages for the child who spends his time on the TV because this programs may effect on child easily. So these types of programs should be take care by family to protect their child from disappoints. Facing the TV for long time is one of the ways, which effect on the child personality because this ignores the child from many things, which is important to his life. Plus it effects on the child’s eyes. There are many kinds of movies that affects on kids’ personality directly or indirectly such as horror movies, action movies and attractive dance or blue movies. A horror movie is one which effect on the child personality because his imagination become weak and let him afraid from small reasons. Action movies effects on kids too, which include murder, hits, and rips. So this will teach the kids that what is going is right if they did not get advice from there parents that what is going is totally wrong. According to sciences study it's proved that kids mind are directly affect with those movies. This happened when the child try to do what he/she saw during the movies. On the other hand, there are advantages of watching TV such as sports movies, study programs, Islamic programs and competition programs. In all these fields the child brain we improve so which will give positive effects.
In conclusion, the studies of the development of personality source learned many things for the parents to behave their children personality. And that’s all improving the child’s to develop certain attitudes toward himself and toward other people. In addition, it is helpful for the country if the children are already knows many things in their environments and studies on it. All these things can affect our child personality in the future.
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21 - 2 - 2015, 03:59 PM
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